Decide... when you choose to do X... you commit to doing X... and GET IT DONE!

If you have a significant degree of control... "It won't... didn't work"... is typically not a real result. 

You cause it to work ... or "it" will not work. 

The less control you have in the ultimate outcome... the more difficult the initial choice. 

Decisions involving an application of effort... dedication... or completion are relatively simple as they simply require you to follow through with a well defined plan. 

The more decisions you make... the more often you make more mistakes... and the more successful you are as an individual. 

Almost every choice you make...  will see failure... setbacks on the journey that follows your decision... through to it's conclusion.

Ever failure... every setback... is a ... "learning opportunity"... to build on... towards your ultimate SUCCESS!

May You Enjoy a Prosperous And Productive Day.

Yours Sincerely

Ange Fonce