What Ever Happened
o Our Sweetest Songs? 
By Ange Fonce

The word “crisis” has become a “constant”... spattering the daily headlines... its once intense “urgency” has become devalued  by being continually used to describe “transient” difficulties in our everyday lives.

Yet... there is a “crisis”... a REAL crises... a crushing crisis of “confidence” in the future... an ever increasing “conviction” by countless people throughout the world... at the very heart of human affairs... that things are going badly wrong... and that the “higher potential” of Humanity is wasting away.

The “nobler aspects” of the human dream seem to be fading fast... could the “root cause” be... that we have become victims of the instant..

“I want it NOW!”

On the “outward“ materialistic... weapon addicted side... we who are “richer” are highly adaptable and very ingenious... yet... “inwardly”... artistically... imaginatively and in “moral”... and “ethical” awareness... we have become dangerously “selfish”... and “under developed.”

For even in the face of “universal annihilation”... we continue to “think” and argue in the old... outworn terms of “thinking”... of “us”... and “them?”

Them... are the “strangers”... the ones who are “different”... in culture... in colour... in sexuality... in belief... the “aliens”... and inevitable “enemies”... yet do we ever stop to “think”... that “us”... appear in this way... to “them?”

How... can “we” learn before it is to late to “think” always... and generously... in terms of WE!

WE... as in terms of the WHOLE HUMAN SPECIES.

WE... as the whole “human family” on Earth... truly now... each of us has “two homes”... our own “native” land... AND the planet Earth. 

How can you “care” for one... and “not care” for the other?

Your “native land”... is part of the Earth.

WE... are all bound together...like it or not... that is the reality... in a kind of “ecological humanism”... and... if we cannot learn to “live together”... we will almost certainly die... a “self created extinction”... as a species... natural Armageddon is happening NOW... and yet... we are so busy “fighting” each other... over “religious” irreverence... and irrelevance!  

The believers of... “us and them?”

WE... have lost sight of the ends... WE have become “besotted by the “means”... as human beings WE are gauchely lopsided and unbalanced... on the “outward” side... materialistic... technology addicted... machine addicted and weapon addicted... WE have become very skilled and efficient... ingenious... adaptable and audacious... in such matters... of “us”... annihilating... “them.”

And yet on the “inner side”... morally... ethically... imaginatively... intelligence... understanding... WE have become pathetically “underdeveloped”... and “stupid.” 

Humanity has never before lived in so great an age of “exterior accomplishment”...  so tremendous is the “projection” of human insecurity into its machines... one must ask...

“What has happened to the “sweetest songs” of the “human dream”... of WE the people?"

Peace... equality... fairness... justice... love... self determination... nature... and TRUTH?

The desire to fly away to Mars... still warring... still in the “mindset” of “us” and “them”... is the “adolescent escape mechanism" of immature adults... who would prefer to "infect"... and "inflict" the outer planets with our addictions and problems.

WE are to act with MATURITY... so that WE... can DEVELOP ourselves... UNDERSTAND and find SOLUTIONS for the issues that WE all confront... so that WE can MASTER them at home.

Thank you and may you enjoy a Prosperous and Dynamic day!

Yours Sincerely

Recommended Reading...

If the Earth were only...

By Joe Miller

"If the Earth were only a few feet in diameter... floating a few feet above a field somewhere... people would come from everywhere to marvel at it.

People would walk around it marveling at its big pools of water... its little pools, and the water flowing between the pools.

People would marvel at the bumps on it... and the holes in it... and they would marvel at the very thin layer of gas surrounding it and the water suspended in the gas. 

The people would marvel at all the creatures walking around the surface of the ball and at the creatures in the water.

The people would declare it sacred because it was the only one... and they would protect it so that it would not be hurt.

The ball would be the greatest wonder known... and people would come to pray to it... to be healed... to gain knowledge... to know beauty... and to wonder how it could be. 

People would love it and defend it with their lives because they would somehow know that their lives... their own roundness... could be nothing without it.

If the Earth were only a few feet in diameter..." 

Ange is an  Author... Speaker... and Dynamic Peak Performance Personal Development Consultant... and Humanistic Counselling Psychologist and Sexologist... who works with men and women who desire to personally develop themselves and their relationships to become Dynamic Lifers... creators of their own life and wealth! 


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