Here,.. do what you do many hundred times before... turn on your iPad... watch that movie you like so much... check out Facebook... go to the shop... your regular 10 minute session of Saturday night sex... web-surf the internet... your 9 to 5 job... eat your burgers... and frys... and so on.

Of course... these everyday options are just a symptom... if you want to insulate yourself from new experiences... ensure that you never eat something you do not like... watch a different new movie that challenges you... go out instead of web surfing... a new way of sex... you never engage with someone you disagree with... never have to hold two opposing ideas in your head at the same time... every day options are the way you will go. 

And yet learning... exploring...and experiencing the new is also a  habit... it is a habit you can teach to your kids... and it is a habit you can learn for yourself. 

Spend a few hours thinking... and walking in that local park you have never visited... go visit an on-line forum where you disagree with the world view of those hanging out... and instead of arguing,.. listen... play some opera while you are chilling out at home tonight... trying eating vegan for three days... have sex on top for a change... and in different places!

The... "everyday option"... is always available... yet that does not mean it is a good idea.

May You Enjoy A Prosperous And Productive Day!

Yours Sincerely

Ange Fonce
