By Ange Fonce

"If you take risks... and face your life with dignity... there is nothing you can do that makes you small... if you do not take risks... then there is nothing you can do that makes you grand either... nothing." ~ Ange Fonce 

People come to think what they must think when they must think it.

That is both the trouble... and the charm of life... you never know exactly where it will lead you. 

There are thousands… millions… gazillions of dots in the universe.

We think things are one way... or another… only until it turns out not to be so... since anything may turn out to be untrue... sometime during the life of the universe... everything we think we know must regarded as a hypothesis. 

The only exception to this that we can think of is something is true by definition... a tautology.

You say...

Red is a nice colour... the dress is red... therefore the dress is a nice colour.

It only holds up if you accept the initial premise... which is not necessarily true... tt could turn out that red is not a nice colour.

That is the problem with our knowledge... it is all subject to contradiction... nuance... and further development.

Especially knowledge of the future... and since all investing is a bet on the future... it often tends to go wrong.

Now... while we cannot know what is true... we can know what is not true... positively... definitely... without a doubt. 

"All swans are white"... sounded like a true statement... until the black swan appeared... at that moment... we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt... that all swans were not white. 

You could never prove that... "all swans are white"... because you could never get all the world’s swans together in one place to check them... and even then... you could not be sure if one of them had not been painted white... temporarily... so he would not feel out of place.

Now... "all swans either black... or white"... sounds correct.

Yet who knows?

A damned red swan could show up at any moment.

It is only by accepting what we do not know... can we see the world as it really is.

May You Enjoy A Prosperous And Productive Day!

Yours Sincerely

Ange Fonce