Love Is Like Kali

By Ange Fonce

A deity that gives and takes away... the dark and wrathful face exists... equally present and so well hidden in the happiness of an honest and passionate kiss.

I cannot gather all the sweet and easy dreamy aspects to my chest and discard the rest.

I cannot forget that if not treated with respect she... like love will tear your head off drink your blood and leave you broken boned.

She takes back and swallows all creatures brought forth.

The all producing, all annihilating Principle of Life and Death.

The "horrific beautiful caressing murdering creating destroying eaten eaten one."

Kali wants to be manifested.

She wants us.

Love wants to be manifested.

Love wants us to embrace love and know the relationship must end.

To know that our flesh will fall off our bones and decay... that the universe will spin itself into silence someday... the leaves will fall... oceans erode the cliffs... then dry up.

That we can only truely love by setting every one free in our own hearts.

And I cannot set anyone free if I am not.

This is true grace, to let go willingly... to embrace as everything dissolves.

To know the myride skeletons and bodies rotting away under the earth are keeping us alive... and each and every one of us will die and rot away. 

To grow... a part of myself will die... a new part be born... my authentic self emerging.

And Kali devouring it all.

This dissolving shunyata is the power to tune into.

This liberation.


Thank you and may you enjoy a Prosperous and Dynamic day!

Yours Sincerely

Ange is an  Author... Speaker... and International Peak Performance Personal Development Consultant... and Psycho Dynamic Counsellor who works with men... and women who desire to "personally develop" themselves and their "relationships" to become Dynamic Lifers from around the World!

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