How The Humble “Post It Note” Can Help You Create Success 

By Ange Fonce

Some months back I watched a video between 2 Masters of Influence and Persuasion...

Doctor Kevin Hogan and Roberto Monaco of Influenceology... and during their discussion the subject of “post it notes” come up and the research that had been carried out into the “effectiveness” of employing “post it notes”... in different ways... which I found very interesting.

It turns out there is a lot more to the humble “post it note”... then you realise... you will be amazed at the Psychological Science involved... so I started investigating myself the use of “post it notes” in various ways and situations.

Such as size... colour... placement... content... use of post it notes on websites... e mails and also within Dynamic Life Development Systems.

Now... through a process of “trail and error”... to understand “what did work” and what does not work... and with the help of selected Dynamic Lifers... we developed a simple Micro Goal System to help you train your "brain" to "experience" more "happiness" and "success"... at work and in life... to support you in your “personal development” and train your brain for your BIGGER goal acquiring projects.

And do not be fooled by the simpleness of this method... it is the “simplicity” that makes this system effective... as there is powerful Psychology... Physiology and Neurology being employed to re educate your brain. 

Now... read on...
The Post It Note “Micro Goal” System...

Step 1... Set yourself up for success each day

On a LARGE WHITE Post it note... in BLUE writing... titled MY MICRO GOALS FOR TODAY write the following...

Today... I WILL express love to those I love.

Today... I WILL do something to improve the world.

Today... I WILL take action to become healthier... both physically and mentally.

Today... I WILL work on my plans... projects and goals to create my BETTER future.

Today... I WILL act with integrity in all my dealings with the  public and in my private life.

Today... I WILL be kind to others.

Today... I WILL get done... what I have to get done TODAY to acquire MY SUCCESSFUL FUTURE!

Today... I WILL help someone less fortunate.

Today... I WILL be grateful for being alive.

Today... I WILL enjoy my DYNAMIC life.

Today... I WILL LOVE being ME!

Put that Post it note some place where you will see it every morning right after you rise from bed and where you will see it first thing when you get to work.

Whenever you see that list for the first time each day... be “disciplined” to take a 5 minutes to recommit to each of your “micro goals”... this focuses your mind and retrains your brain to find and notice opportunities to fulfil these “micro goals”... during the day until it becomes “natural” to you.

What you doing is “training” your brain into a new empowering... disciplined... focused and productive “behaviours.”

Step 2... Review and reinforce your daily successes...

On a second LARGE WHITE Post it note... in RED writing... titled MY MICRO GOALS SUCCESS FOR TODAY write the following questions...

Did I ACT and express love to those I love...?

Did I ACT to improve the world in some small way...?

Did I ACT to increase my level of health... physically and mentally...?

Did I ACT and work on my plans... projects and goals to create my BETTER future...?

Did I ACT with integrity in all my dealings with the  public and in my private life...?

Did I ACT with kindness to others...?

Did I ACT and get done... what I have to get done TODAY to acquire MY SUCCESS...?

Did I ACT and help someone less fortunate...?

Did I ACT with gratefulness for being alive...?

Did I ACT and enjoy my day of DYNAMIC life...?

Did I ACT and LOVED being ME...?

Stick this Post it note somewhere that you will see it before you leave work and at home in a place before you go to bed. 

At the end of your day... take 5 minutes and reflect on how well you fulfilled your “micro goals?”

Do not be discouraged if you do not have a "yes" to every question... because that is not the point. 

The purpose of this “micro goals system” is to train your brain into developing new “behaviours” and become “focused” and self disciplined within the context of moving forward to develop a more sophisticated... detailed and focused... Time And Goal Plan System... for your ultimate SUCCESS in acquiring you goals and creating the LIFE you want to live for yourself!

And this is also your opportunity to remember and celebrate the great experiences that you did create in your life for the day.

You cannot THINK BIG and make BIG things happen and get BIG things done... if you brain has not been “trained” into how to THINK BIG and take BIG ACTION with CONFIDENCE and PURPOSE!

As you can see... this system takes less than 10 minutes a day... more likely less time that it took to read this post... and really what is 10 minutes of your day and how much do Post It Notes cost to help in creating a Dynamic Life for yourself?

Practice this system for 30... 40 days and you will amaze yourself at what you are doing and getting done. 

Practice this system for 2... 3 months and you will amaze people you know. 

Become natural in this system for the rest of your life and you will AMAZE the world... as a DYNAMIC LIFER!

As always... leave a man or woman all the "better" for "knowing" you.

Thank you and may you enjoy a Prosperous and Dynamic day!

Yours Sincerely


Ange is an  Author... Speaker... Humanistic Counselling Psychologist and Dynamic Peak Performance Personal Development Consultant... who works with men and women on line and real world who desire to "personally develop" themselves and their "relationships" to become Dynamic Lifers... "creators" of their own life and wealth!

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Dynamic Life Development Systems 

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