Do You Live A Dynamic Happy Life In An Angry Negative World?

By Ange Fonce

Let me open this article by saying this is the first part in a two part series about living a more Dynamic and wealthier life... so let me start by asking you a few questions... 

How much of your life do you spend angry?

How much time do you waste bitching and complaining about people at work or in your home life?

How much time do you spend wastefully thinking how much better things are for other people than they are for you?

I would say it is more time than you would like to admit too right? 

We are a pretty screwed up species in that way and to be sincere I do not blame you... the Human world is a crazy place to exist in let alone live in.

I mean what has happened to human kindness... decency and caring these days?

It seems racing to the bottom of Human behaviour has become acceptable and negativity and pessimism is to be cool and how come it has become this way?

Well let us start with the biggest culprit...

The Media

The mainstream media is set up to instill a sense of jealousy and resentment in us all and not just the news... I am talking about TV entertainment too... the vast majority of our politicians have been forced into self serving isolation and any open minded... intelligent... authentic and truthful human being  is likely to be met with derision... hostility and violence and to be loving... kind and compassionate is to be like alien from another world!

And to be happy... people ask what drugs you are on!

Now that we have the constant shit feed of 24 hour social media means you have a live running reminder that while you are stuck earning money for your family and someone else is out having fun.

And the problem is that so many people believe this crap as being true... there is no wonder we have become such an angry lot... I want to make sure that anyone reading can identify and admit to being a part of this problem and take ownership of it to break out of the trap as we are all responsible for the world we create and live in together.

Ultimately though we are going to be talking about how to live a Dynamic wealthier life...

I will be talking about the benefits of filling your life with mind expanding culture rather than envy inducing TV... about developing a better sense of what is happening in the world and immediately around you rather than living in ignorant frustration and how learning about the power of gratitude can directly improve your ability to become more Dynamic and wealthier.

Be warned at times it will feel like we are veering dangerously into self help... that is because the self help industry has owned many of the key phrases and knows how to manipulate your fears and anger to their advantage and this is not self help... not really... it is far more powerful as it is about self awareness and personal development and living well and there will be science and not magic hocus pocus.

Now first the media especially T.V. and I am going to reference a show on U.K. television and for those of you not in the U.K. I am sure you have the equivalent in your country.

The Problem With Britain Has Got Talent

I do not watch BGT... why?

First I do not have any T.Vs in my home as I disposed of them over 5 years ago... in fact it is sitting with friends and have to suffer watching it that I think it is awful and one of the reasons most people are unhappy or angry in their lives.

Now I know this will rub a lot of people up the wrong way and I am sure for many it is a bit of fun seeing someone sing off key or back flip over a basket full of duck eggs is hilarious... BGT apologists will also tell me it is giving people an opportunity to realise their dreams... nonsense.

I am not buying that bullshit... the show is at best a waste of time and at worse an attack on peoples creativity and confidence all veiled as light entertainment... sure throwing people to the loins in the Roman Colosseum was light entertainment too!

And it is not just BGT I have a problem with.... nor is my ire focused purely at talent shows... faux business shows like The Apprentice and Dragons Den annoy me too and I know a lady who want on Dragons Den and was torn apart for entertainment and good for her as she has had the last laugh and has become a very successful business woman who has been awarded an M.B.E for services to British Industry.

If it was not for her family... especially her Father and friends and other business people who invested in her idea... that show could have destroyed her... for what... light entertainment of seeing people suffer humilation?

Surely we have moved on from loins and the Colosseum or have we?

All of these shows share something in dangerous in common... they teach us to laugh at people with ideas that do not fit in with the mainstream expectation and who creates the mainstream expectation?

The media and however you look at it is a bad thing to teach as people are brainwashed into limitations and not possibilities!

If your child came to you and said... 

“Mum... Dad... I am going to be a famous trapeze artist.” 

Be honest how many of you would not laugh them out of the room or off the stage and tell them...

"Do not be so stupid."

And how many of you would either support them to see how they could realise the ambition or explain to them why they should also consider some other options as it is not a particularly well proven career path.

The other problem with these shows is that even those who do succeed and make it through the public approval are then paid off in one huge go... they win and get rich and famous overnight and I have to inform you that is not how it works for the vast majority of successful people and it is only a tiny percent of people has fortune shine on them in such a way.

The rest of us have to invest in ourselves... take the risk and work dam hard and be totally committed to acquire our success and a have great team of people supporting us.

Success of an individual is the result of team work and it takes the investment of time and hard work to build real wealth... not five rounds of public elimination and an interview with two self made Geordies to provide light entertainment.

We really are still throwing people to the loins are we not... so much for progress!

So not only are we showing that people who have out of the box ideas and are creative should be ridiculed... we are showing that if you have an accepted idea you can become rich overnight.

Which I will be frank is total bullshit and is a recipe for disaster and sadly we have been cooking and repeating from that recipe for many... many years... it is called the education system.

Okay you take a minute to moan at the screen telling me why those shows are really just harmless fun and then I will tell you why this all matters to us.


Dumbing Down

I make no apologies for being a spoil sport as I happen to be one of those people who possess a Brain that thinks and questions to works things out for itself and yes I possess that weird stuff called Intelligence! 

I just think you are selling yourself short if you work hard through the week only to reward yourself by watching BGT at the weekend... it is mindless.

Anyway hold that thought because before I start suggesting why all this matters and how understanding the inherent negativity in these shows is scientifically harming your ability to succeed and create the life you want to create and live... I want to throw in mainstream news programmes like Newsnight and Question Time too... they belong with BGT... Dragons Den and the like as I personally think these shows have become a bit of a joke and so distort the reality and distract your ability to live a happy and wealthy life.

What were once independent opportunities to question ideas and report unbiased on world events have become strange clip shows and pantomimes in a misjudged attempt to increase ratings and please an increasingly corporate minded national broadcaster... like seeing two politicians attempt to shout at one another whilst simultaneously trying to remember how much information they are actually allowed to give away or how far they are allowed to stray from the party line will never do anything more than incite acute frustration in a rational and informed viewer like you or me... like the debate over Brexit was the worst thing this country has ever done to itself and now the result is we have a total mess which no one has any real idea to deal with... where has all that shouting and bullshit that was great light entertainment got us... deep in the shit! 

They are not the mediums for intelligent discussion to debate over a very serious issue that will determine the future of many millions of people.

Okay I have called out quite a few TV programs all of which I think have a negative affect and impair your ability to live a wealthier life and they do so because they are intentionally negative as they promote heckling... derision... a lack of empathy and they encourage us to laugh at people... to assess people not on their talents and on their flaws... none of this is good for you when it comes to living a happier and wealthier life.

And as I said at the outset... as well as mainstream media being designed to instill a sense jealousy... resentment and mockery our political system has also reached a critical point as programs like Question Time and silly headline hunting interviews on Newsnight have helped to lead our political class down a rabbit hole... who can blame them for becoming so self serving for their own interests and not the collective interest of the population who elects them...  it is all they can do to protect themselves as it is easy to get angry and stressed over the constant bad press you see about our leaders mucking about... yet the fact is just getting angry about it does not really do anything for you... in fact just like those TV shows I mentioned it stops you and I mean psychologically and biologically from being able to live a happy and wealthy life.

I will explain yet before I do... I also suggested that the dawn of 24 hour social media is adding to this pervading culture of jealousy... resentment and frustration just read your Facebook feed. 

So let us just expand that a little more...

I Wish I Was There

Of course just as there are many positives with the first two issues I mentioned... social media can help us live a wealthier life if you used it correctly... yet we are willing to let it do a great deal of damage too.

Think how often you check various social media platforms during the day and think about how many times you see friends out and about who appear to be having fun whilst you are stuck in an office or factory at work... how do you think that affects your mindset... you think it is positive? 

Of course not... even though you might not realise it... in your body stuff is going on that reacts to this seemingly throwaway data and it is not good... your thoughts drift from what you were focusing on... your emotional state changes and your body is reacting to those chemical changes that started with those thoughts in your brain as well as being frustrated about seeing others enjoying themselves while you are not... think of all the little videos you laugh at each day of people making mistakes... screwing up or being dumb in front of a camera... the short term giggle is fun for sure as you have a feel good moment... yet the damage you are doing to yourself in the long run is not good for you as you become conditioned and then addicted to negative energy and so when anyone who comes into your life with a positive and optimistic attitude to life... you can literally hate them.

Just Google the word optimistic and then read pages and pages of why people hate optimistic... happy and successful people... why?

Simple... we do not live in a Love based world the reality is we live in an angry... negative fear based world... there is little profit in Love... there is lots of profit in fear... anger and negativity... think about that for a moment!

So let me set down again what I said at the start...

The mainstream media is set up to instill a society of jealousy and resentment in us all and not just the news I am talking about TV entertainment too... the vast majority of our politicians have been forced into self serving isolation and any open minded intelligence and authentic honesty is likely to be met with derision or hostility or even death and the dawn of 24 hour social media means you have a live running reminder that while you are stuck earning money for your family someone else is out having fun.

So what has this got to do with happiness and creating wealth and living a Dynamic lifestyle?

Well that is what I am going to reveal in part two of this two part series next.

We are going to look at how all the anger and negativity we live with in the 21st Century is psychologically and biologically harming us and how you can take active steps to begin to reverse the damage and transform yourself to a Dynamic Life.

So join me again and we will pick up on this and get you living a wealthier life.

Have you any thoughts or comments you would like to share with me on what I have written?

I would love to hear from you.

Thank you and may you enjoy a Loving... Prosperous and Dynamic day!

Yours Sincerely

Dynamic Lifer... The Tribe of Dynamic Lifers

1... A person with a penchant for Science... creativity... books... writing... communication... fitness... women... sexing... sexuality... human relationships... psychology... physiology and any other area involving heavy use of the Intellect.

2... A bright person and glamorously Intelligent!

3... Ange is an Author... Speaker and Dynamic Peak Performance Personal Development Consultant... and Humanistic Counselling Psychologist... Sexologist and Multipreneur... who works with those men and women who desire to personally develop themselves and their relationships to become Dynamic Lifers... creators of their own life... relationships and wealth! 

4... If you are Happy and you Know it... you are becoming a Dynamic Lifer!

To Speak to Ange and arrange a consultation for what you would like help with CLICK HERE

"Transformation happens when people fall in love with a different version of themselves and their future!"

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