Clear Communication To Persuade And Influence Creates Success 

By Ange Fonce
The most "influential" men and women in nearly every situation are those who can "communicate" the most clearly... both "verbally" and "non verbally." 

Whether you are dealing with employees... bosses... colleagues... customers... friends and lovers... your ability to get what you want hinges on "how" well you "talk...write" and use your "body."

With that in mind... in this brief article I will share with 5 basic principles that apply to one to one one to group... and one to many communications alike in the "verbal" and "non verbal form."

Now... read on...

1... Always Know Your WHY...

Whenever you are "communicating"... you will be "wasting time" and "energy" if you do not know the reason "why" you are "communicating" in the first place.

Before you "initiate" any "communication"... ask yourself... 

"What am I trying to accomplish?" 

Even "small talk" is to have a "purpose"... to lead into more deeper and purposeful "communication" and build "rapport"... even if the purpose is just to build camaraderie.

If somebody else is "initiating" the "conversation"... ask yourself... 

"Why is this conversation taking place?" 

If the answer is not obvious... guide the "communication" to the "why" of it.

Understanding and "focusing" on the "why" allows you to avoid being distracted by side issues that might otherwise obscure the "reason" for "communicating" in the first place.

2... Communicate Emotions In Person...

Any "communication" that has "high emotional content" is to be delivered in person or by telephone... text messages and letters are the worst way to "communicate emotions."

For example... 

If you have great news to share that will get everyone stoked up... it will be more "effective" and "create" more "positive emotions" if you deliver it in person... is like an instant celebration that others can share in. 

By contrast... an email... text or letter announcing the same news will feel very "impersonal" and a bit like an afterthought.

Similarly... if you have bad news or criticism to deleiver.. it will be better received and more likely to be helpful... when it is delivered in person. 

If you use email... text or letter it will seem like you do not care... disrespectful... or that you are in fact... cowardly.

3... Communicate Facts Via Non Verbal Means...

Any "communication" that is primarily factual should be "communicated" in writing for 3 important reasons...

First... people only retain a small percentage of "facts" when they are "communicated verbally." 

Second... having a written record of those "facts" helps ensure that they do not get lost... and they are there to use as a "reference" when it is time to make decisions.

Third... "communicating facts verbally" to large groups is extremely difficult and inefficient way to share "factual information." 

It is much better to use "non verbal written methods" to get everyone up to speed and then have a discussion of what needs to be accomplished.

4... Listen More Than You Talk...

This is really "important" when it comes to "verbal person conversations"... yet it can also be applied to "non verbal communications" as well when you are "skilled" at asking "open questions" like in back and forth emails and social media posts. 

It is always better to "receive first"... than "respond" and "give"... would be a better way to put it... it is always a bad idea to dominate any "conversation" or "communication"... because when you are "motor mouthing" or "motor mailing" you are not "learning anything"... or gathering any "intelligence" about the other person or the WHY of the communication?

Also... when you are "focused" on your "talking"... you are making the "communication" all about you... "communication" is never about you. 

It is always about the other person.

5... Simplify Your Messages...

Everybody in todays world suffers from "massive information overload"... which creates seemingly endless confusion and stress.

If you want to cut through the noise... you need to make "your message" as "simple" and "easy" to digest as possible.

Often a case of "less is more" is far more "effective" in "communicating" your message and being heard.

As always... leave a man or woman all the "better" for "knowing" you.

Thank you and may you enjoy a Prosperous and Dynamic day!

Yours Sincerely


Ange is an  Author... Speaker... Humanistic Counselling Psychologist and Dynamic Peak Performance Personal Development Consultant... who works with men and women on line and real world who desire to "personally develop" themselves and their "relationships" to become Dynamic Lifers... "creators" of their own life and wealth!

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