Are You An Honourable Men And Woman?

By Ange Fonce

Methods For Gaining Honour...

When others perceive you as being honourable... you ultimately win their "respect" and "approval"... they openly acknowledge you as a person... and support your "thinking... values" and the "convictions" and "ideas" you stand for... in order to gain honour from others... you must cultivate the following qualities.

Show A Willingness To Be Taught...

Openly show a willingness to be taught by other people... you cannot be an expert at everything... and you certainly do not "know" all that there is to "know" about a certain subject... person or topic... when you open yourself up to be taught by others... you are unlocking a variety of "new perspectives" and "ideas" that will help you to clarify what you "know"... while potentially providing you with greater insights into areas you may not be familiar with.

Display Consistency...

Be consistent in "thought... word" and "action"... people are drawn to certainty... they want certainty in their lives... they want to "know"... and be able to predict what will happen next... what a person will say or do... and what the world will look like tomorrow... next week... next month... and so forth... when you are consistent in "thought... word" and "action"... others will see you as being someone who brings them comfort and certainty.

Display Unconditional Acceptance...

Most people are tough on the exterior while at the same time very "self conscious" on the interior... they want to "feel" that they are being accepted by others no matter what mistakes they may have made in the past... or are making in the moment... when you show unconditional acceptance of another person... you are automatically displaying a deep level of care... and "respect" that makes the other person feel "comfortable"... and "secure" within your presence.

Display Compassion...

Display a deep level of "compassion" for the problems... and difficulties that other people are experiencing on a daily basis as everyone moves through difficult periods... during moments like these we seek "understanding" and "compassion" from others... yes... others may not "know" what we are going through... however if they are able to "understand" and empathise with us... then that makes us feel comfortable... and secure within their presence... this naturally leads to honour... and a deep level of "respect" for the other person.

Show Genuine Interest And Support...

Showing a genuine interest in other people and supporting their "passions.. ideas" and "ventures" naturally brings you closer together... and helps develop deep levels of "rapport" and "respect"... ask others about the good things in their lives... about the things that make them smile... or the things that bring a happy tear to their eye.... it is these things that will stimulate a deep "emotional" bond between the two of you and will help grow the honour... and respect they "feel" when within your presence.

Display Patience With People...

Often people need "time"... the "investment" of "time" to learn a new skill... to let go of an "unsuccessful habit"... or simply given "time" to open up... and express their "true feelings" and needs... when others "feel" that they are not being rushed... hurried... or forced into something by others... this naturally brings about a "feeling" of comfort... and calm within their body... and mind... it is therefore better to ask a person questions that will lead them to find their own motivation... and answers... rather than to instruct... or lecture them about the possible solutions.

Cultivate Discipline...

People are naturally drawn to those who display a deep level of "discipline" in "thought... word" and "action"... discipline brings about certainty... when they are certain that you are disciplined enough to follow through on what you say... then this naturally brings about a deep sense of "confidence" in your "ability"... and a "respect" for the stability you bring forth into their lives.

Cultivate Integrity...

Integrity is a sense of being whole... complete... and living consistently with your "highest values"... when others have "confidence" that you will stay "true" to your "thinking values" and that you will keep your "word"... and not stray off course onto unexpected... and unpredicted paths... then they will consequently honour... and "respect" you wholeheartedly for who you are completely... and without question.

Cultivate A Solution Focused Attitude...

Even though some people might find it difficult to admit this... they do actually appreciate being around those who live with "optimism." 

And cultivate a "solution focused attitude"... we are all creatures who seek to experience deep levels of pleasure in our lives... we live to "create" for a better future on a daily basis... even though some of us may completely disregard this fact... if you are able to instill a little "optimism" into your interactions with others... to help them see the "solutions" where they previously saw only "problems" and "obstacles"... then you will ultimately gain their respect and honour.

Thank you and may you enjoy a Prosperous and Dynamic day!

Yours Sincerely

Ange is an  Author... Speaker... and Dynamic Peak Performance Personal Development Consultant... and Humanistic Counselling Psychologist and Sexologist... who works with men and women who desire to "personally develop" themselves and their "relationships" to become Dynamic Lifers... "creators" of their own "life" and "wealth!" 


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