2 Sexual Attraction Killing Mistakes That Leads To The Friends Zone 

By Ange Fonce

And these 2 “sexual attraction” killing mistakes are not the common mistakes you might have heard about... so lets us get right to it. 

Read on...  

Man... Woman Mistake 1... Trading “Desire” for Validation...

We have all been there... you are “attracted” to a drop dead gorgeous woman from across the room... or a handsome confident man... you may even nudge your friend and point them in their direction... and they proclaim... 

“She is hot.”

“He is cute.”

Yes... from across the room you are feeling that “sexual chemistry”... the type of energy that makes you want get into “their space” and approach them... flirt and even ask them out.

Yet... what happens when you actually go and talk to him or her... or they come and talk to you... oops... all of a sudden you are talking about puppy dogs and rainbows... you avoid holding “eye contact” and keep your hands to yourself... and what is with the “goofy grin”... why are you laughing so hard... he or she did not even make a joke... you have stopped being “excited” and turned into a bumbling nervous wreck full of “apprehension”... what the hell is wrong with you?

Sure... we want and enjoy “sex” and both men and women “think” about "sex" all the time... it is part of our “biological programming”… yes men and women “think” about “sex”... we just “think” about “sex” in different ways... and “sex” is on the agenda when your “sexual attraction” gets fired up... yet often there is even a more “powerful driver” that can get in the way and “screw” things up and that is a “psychological one”... we just want either men or women to “like us”... especially beautiful women or handsome men.

So if  you can make him or her smile and laugh... you consider that a huge victory in itself... you feel like we just won the lottery... they “liked you”... the problem with this is... it means you do not end up asking him or her out or “flirting” to ramp up the “sexual attraction and tension”... you play it “safe”... because you lack the “confidence” and "esteem” to make your “intentions” clear...  you would rather walk away with “his or her approval” than risk losing it by trying to “influence” things in a more “physical sexual direction.”

You are on your way of to the “friends zone.”

Having “desire” for a man or a woman is a “natural thing”... it is part of our “biological make up” of being human... it can make you act bold and be brave.... and it can also be bent well out off shape by our “psychological conditioning”... so always be “aware” of your need to seek male or female “validation”... because it will sneak up on you... and make you a “nervy needy wreck” and “risk averse”... to “flirting” and “sexual seduction.”

Instead of begging and seeking  “validation” and “approval” from others... work on creating “sexual tension” that makes you “confident” and “attractive” to others... your the one ”sizzling with sexual energy” and “confident charisma” who “flirts” and “seduces”... that others will be drawn too!

Man... Woman Mistake 2... Enjoying Too Much Affection Before Sex..

The first night you met him... you could barely control yourself... those deep eyes... those broad shoulders... his naughty boy smile... you just had to have him.

The first night you met her... you could barely control yourself... those lips... those long legs... her smile... you just had to have her.

And then... something strange happened... as you started to learn more  about him... about her... you started “thinking”

“This woman is different... she is “special”... a good woman.” 

“This man is different... he is a good man... he is “special.”

You go to the movies together... start shopping together...  share ice cream and coffee together... and as soon as you get home... text back and forth for hours... like you have been “courting” and seeing each other for years... you are great “friends”... and there is the “problem”... you have forgotten something “very important”... something “crucial”...

You have not even "kissed" yet... you have not got all “hot and wet” with each other... no “sexual intimacy!”

You are not “sexual lovers”... you are just “loving friends.”

Yes... you have it all backwards... you are trying to enjoy all of  the “boyfriend... girlfriend relationship perks” before you have even “hooked up” and got “sexually hot and wet” with each other.

Which is fine... I suppose... yet we both know when some new man or woman comes along and gets them into bed... and having “sex” with them... they will suddenly be too busy to hang out with you... you will be downgraded to “my good friend” or even worse “my text buddy” or “Facebook friend.”

Your well and truly in the “friend zone”... ouch... from now on... you have become the standby “emotional tampon”... when things are not going well in "their relationship" and they come to you... their "good friend" and you do not even get any “perks” for it... like I do as a “profession emotional tampon”... who gets “paid” for it.

Remember... there will be plenty of time to enjoy his or her “affection and friendship” after you have got “physically hot and wet” with each other... make your “intention” clear from the start and do not get all “needy” for long talks and “nice” for “friendly hugs” and miss out the most “important step” in “attraction”... the “sexual chemistry!”

Other wise it is just the “friends zone”... that is fine if that is all you want... it is not fine when you want a lot more.

Are you already in the “friend zone”...  because you “avoided”  building “sexual tension?”

Be honest...are you acting more like a “friend” who is heading for the “friend zone”... more than a “potential sexual mate and lover?”

Now... the next time you are "interacting" with a man or a woman you like... pay very close “attention” to your “focus”... are you more “concerned” with making him or her "like you"... in other words... seeking “validation” or are you “content” with  just “pretending” like you have a new boyfriend... girlfriend... in other words... seeking “affection.”

If this is you... then you need to get back in touch with your “sexual desires”... and rediscover your “sex drive”... and “sexual confidence”... because the type of “validation” and “affection” you really want of being a “lover”... in a REAL “intimate relationship”... only comes after you have been “hot and wet” with each other! 

Other wise it is just the “friends zone”... and you and your “desires” end up “alone” and “frustrated” every time!”

Thank you and may you enjoy a Prosperous and Dynamic day!

Yours Sincerely

Recommended Reading...

The True Definition of Sexual Confidence Is To "Lovingly” Giving a "F69K!" 

By Ange Fonce

Hi there to all you readers of The Intimate Communion Magazine...  this article contains the four letter word "f69k" many times as this describes what this articles subject is all about.

If this offends you... then please... it is best you do not read any further!

I was recently asked by a woman what "sort of sex" is the best for me... this made me think about the "different styles" in "sexuality"... I act...

Ange is an  Author... Speaker... and Dynamic Peak Performance Personal Development Consultant... and Humanistic Counselling Psychologist and Sexologist... who works with men and women who desire to personally develop themselves and their relationships to become Dynamic Lifers... creators of their own life and wealth! 


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